Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, Monday!

We head back to school today, and I am beyond excited to see my kiddos! I was reading a book the other day and I realized that I will never work a day in my life as a teacher. As the famous quote was in my book, "Find a job that you love, and you will never work a day in your life."

While reading this morning, this also popped up and it really spoke to me...

(It is from a book I am reading, Living with Less by Joshua Becker)

"God's invitation to follow and learn from him is more than a "dream come true" that leads to worldly pleasures, status, accolades, and large paychecks. God's invitation is to find a life that fulfills that very destiny of our souls, hearts, and lives. It is in fact, the very invitation we have been created to accept."

With that being said I am so blessed and proud to be a teacher. I love my so called "job."

Have a great Monday!
Live. Laugh. Love

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